Chris Hansen bouncing checksUpdated: 2019/01/16 4:00PM

Usually Chris Hansen is the one catching perps in the act, but this time he was the one getting caught. Hansen was arrested on Monday, January 14th, 2019 for larceny after he failed to pay a local vendor for $12,998.05 worth of stuff in 2017. Allegedly Hansen gave the man two bounced checks instead.

And what was all this stuff? According to Stamford Police Department, Hansen bought 355 mugs, 288 tee shirts, and 650 vinyl decals from a shop in Stamford for marketing events. After all of the merchandise was delivered, Hansen didn’t make good on the bill.

According to the owner of the story, he threatened to go to the police the first time that the check bounced, but Hansen offered to make four payments towards his balance. The owner didn’t like that deal, so Hansen wrote him another check. He allegedly told the owner that he was selling his boat to make good on the payment, but it never happened.

He turned himself in on Monday to the police and was booked and released from jail.

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