Donald Trump associate Roger StoneUPDATED 2019/01/25 3:00PM

Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller alleges that Stone coordinated with senior Trump officials about stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could have damaged Trump’s opponents (namely Hillary Clinton).

Mueller’s indictment does not say who in Trump’s camp knew about Stone’s search for damaging emails, but it does say that there we multiple people involved from Trump’s campaign. This indictment marks the first time prosecutors alleged that they knew of additional people with close ties to Trump who worked with Stone while he looked to get in touch with Julian Assange.

Stone was arrested by the FBI on Friday, January 25th, 2019 at his home in Florida. He was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury in Washington, DC on seven counts which included one count of witness tampering, five of false statements, and one of obstruction of official proceeding.

Stone told reporters outside of the federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale that he would not plead guilty to what he believes are politically motivated charges. He also made it clear that he would not testify against the President. He was released on a $250,000 signature bond.

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