Fairfax Accuser Says Knowledge of Previous Unpunished Assault May Have Led to His Alleged CrimeUPDATED: 2019/02/12 1:00PM

In the wake of the rape allegation brought against Virginia’s Lt. Governor, Justin Fairfax, Meredith Watson (via counsel) has also announced a second rape allegation against former duke basketball player and current Fox Sports West analyst, Corey Maggette.

While Maggette maintains his innocence in a statement taken for New York Times article which broke the story of this second allegation, Watson, through her attorney, Nancy Erika Smith, said in a separate statement on Friday that after she was raped she went to an unnamed dean “who provided no help and discouraged her from pursuing the claim further.”

Watson also told the same to Fairfax, Smith said, and went further to assert that Fairfax used his knowledge of that assault allegation to take advantage of Watson.

In response to these continued allegations, Fairfax stated, “I want to stand here in that truth and restate that my truth, as well as the truth of Dr. Tyson and Ms. Watson, should be fully investigated and thoroughly assessed,” calling on the FBI to “investigate fully and thoroughly the allegations against me.”

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