humanity against trumpUPDATED 5:32 PM, PT; December 16, 2018

President Donald Trump has made clear that he will review the murder charges against Army Major Matt Golsteyn. Goldsteyn is a Special Forces soldier and Afghanistan veteran charged with pre-meditated murder. He reportedly admitted the shooting while applying for a job with the CIA. Goldsteyn contends that he at no point violated the applicable rules of engagement, and his counsel, Phil Stackhouse, stated that he would be “relentless” in defending the charges. Mr Stackhouse further stated that “Major Golsteyn is a humble servant-leader who saved countless lives, both American and Afghan, and has been recognized repeatedly for his various actions.” President Trump issued a statement indicating that he will be reviewing the case because “Goldsteyn “could face the death penalty from our own government after he admitted to killing a Terrorist bomb maker while overseas.”

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