Updated: July 12, 2019
Appeals Court Rejects Sandy Hook Parents Lawsuit Against Newtown

While addressing the case as “undeniably tragic,” the appeals court ruled 3-0 on Friday against the parents of both Jesse Lewis and Noah Pozner, agreeing with a lower court judge that governmental immunity shielded the defendants.

“It is clear that the adoption of the school security guidelines by the defendants was an act of discretion encompassed within their general duty to manage and supervise their employees and schoolchildren, and, therefore, was protected by governmental immunity,” Judge Thomas Bishop wrote.

The parents accused the school officials of failing to follow mandatory security guidelines that could have saved many lives after the gunman, Adam Lanza, opened fire as he made his way into the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

They claim these guidelines included the ordering of an immediate lockdown, having all school entrances locked from the inside to prevent Lanza from entering, and ensuring adequate training for faculty and staff.

Donald Papcsy, who is a lawyer on behalf of the parents, mentioned that his clients look forward to appealing the Connecticut Supreme Court’s decision.

He said an eventual return to the trial court would provide these “heroic families” a chance to be heard and “keep future kids safer in the process.”

The parents are currently seeking damages from the defendants.

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