Tucker CarlsonUPDATED 2019/03/12 4:00PM

Media Matters for America released tapes of conservative Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, using racist and homophobic language just days after releasing records of Carlson making misogynist remarks.

In the recording the Fox News host uses racist and homophobic language to describe Iraqi people, African Americans, members of the LGBT community and immigrants while speaking on a radio show in the years between 2006 and 2011. These recordings come one day after the nonprofit release recordings in which he can be heard using sexist language while speaking about child rape, rape shield laws, underage marriage and other topics.

He refused to apologize for his remarks on his television show, instead choosing to go on a diatribe about the “digital mob.” He said, ““The great American outrage machine is a remarkable thing. One day you’re having dinner with your family imagining everything is fine, the next your phone is exploding with calls from reporters.”

He said that his network still supports him saying, “First, Fox News is behind us, as they have been since the very first day. Toughness is a rare quality in a TV network, and we’re grateful for that. Second, we’ve always apologized when we’re wrong, and we’ll continue to do that. But we will never bow to the mob, ever, no matter what.”

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