Man Suing 'Live PD,' Updated: May 08, 2019 9:00 a.m.

Greenville County deputies searched Frederick West and his friends while on “Live PD” in hopes to find contraband back on April 29, 2017. After unsuccessfully finding evidence during their search, deputies began searching the nearby areas, eventually finding drugs hidden in a bush. West was then arrested and charged with trafficking cocaine, and the arrest was also broadcast live on “Live PD.”

However, the charges against West were eventually dropped a year later due to insufficient evidence, but his arrest is still broadcasted in older reruns of the tv show. West claims the re-airings have caused him ongoing pain and suffering and has tarnished his character, according to the lawsuit. He also claims he was targeted because of his race. West is seeking actual and punitive damages from Big Fish Entertainment (which produces “Live PD”), A&E Television Networks (which airs the show) and the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office.

In terms of how Big Fish Entertainment feels, they are confident that they did nothing wrong. “We have not been served with the complaint in this case,” Cameron Stracher, attorney for Big Fish Entertainment, said in a statement. “but any claim that the producers of Live PD violated someone’s rights is complete without merit.” The Greenville Sheriff’s Office has since declined comment regarding the suit, as well as the A&E network.

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