UPDATED: 2019/03/05 3:00PM
In June 2018, East Pittsburgh police officer Michael Rosfeld was charged with criminal homicide in the shooting death of 17-year-old Antwon Rose II. Documents showed that Antwon was shot in his face, right arm and middle of his back. Rosfeld made inconsistent statements about whether or not he believed Antwon has a gun when he opened fire.
Allegheny County District Attorney Steve Zappala said he believes Rosfeld acted “recklessly and without justification.” He said that he “finds that Rosfeld’s actions were intentional.” and that he was “not acting to prevent death or serious bodily injury.” He defended his decision to charge him with criminal homicide.
Now prosecution and defense lawyers in the case have submitted the nearly 80 questions that they want potential jurors to answer. A motion hearing for Rosfeld is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th, 2019, one week before the jury selection will occur. Questions include whether or not the potential jurors have family or friends in the military or police, how they feel about guns and gun violence and how often they watch the news.